New Chapter

Created by April 15 years ago
The night Kaleigh was born... I was 8 days over due when I went into labor. I had been in labor all day, I just didn’t know it. We went out to eat with the family, came home and went to bed. About 1:30am February 28, 2008 Caleb, my husband, and I decided it was time to go to the hospital. Caleb’s mom was my Doula, so she was waiting for me, Caleb, and my parents when we arrived in labor and delivery. When the nurse checked me I was 5cm and 100% effaced and everything was fine. About 2:00am I got my epidural. My contractions were getting harder, I had some nausea and threw up...Kaleigh had a few D-cells in her heart rate so they gave me some oxygen. The nurse checked me again and I was 8cm, everything was still fine. About 3:30am I had just started to nod off and my water broke with great force, there was muconium fluid so I needed some extra nurses just in cases, nothing out of the ordinary. I got sick again and there were some more dips in Kaleigh’s heart rate, but still nothing uncommon when the mother throws-up. At 4:37am I started pushing. Everything was fine for about 15-20 minutes. Then Dr Estes came in and the room started to fill with nurses. The doctor said that they needed to get the operating room ready and that I needed to get this baby out NOW or we were going to have to do a C-section. Carol, my nurse, has yelling in my ear to push, that Kaleigh needed me to get her out right NOW! So finally at 5:12am after only about 3 pushes Kaleigh was here. I thought everything was fine...they would suck her nose and mouth out and she would start crying, just like on TV, but she didn’t. They took her across the room to this little table and started to work on her. All I can see is her little feet. I never take my eyes off her little tiny perfect feet. I waited for them to make her cry...all I wanted was to hear her cry...all I could say was make her cry...please God make her cry! Then after the longest 22 minutes of my life I saw her feet start to turn a little blue, I knew then that she was gone, and all the hopes and dreams I had for our precious baby girl would never come true...